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How to Stay Mentally Sharp

How to Stay Mentally Sharp

While age brings wisdom, it also brings some forgetfulness. Fortunately, there are things you can do to keep the brain sharp, small daily habits that can reduce the risk of cognitive decline. Exercise is one such daily habit. It increases…

Physical Activity and Exercise Are Essential as We Age

Physical Activity and Exercise Are Essential as We Age

People of all ages benefit from exercise and physical activity, but it becomes even more vital as we age. Regular exercise and physical activity can help you to: Maintain or improve physical strength and fitness; Continue to do daily activities…

How Aging Affects Sleep

How Aging Affects Sleep

We often hear from our elders – “I had a terrible sleep last night.” Or perhaps “I kept waking up with my mind racing and couldn’t fall back to sleep.” Sleep patterns tend to change, and that is perfectly normal…

A Guide on Caring for Your Elderly Parent

A Guide on Caring for Your Elderly Parent

Something inescapable is affecting all of us and our families- aging. It can be challenging for adult children to imagine their parents as seniors and to understand and respond to the reality that each parent will age differently. Even if…

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